Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Great new site for genealogy research

Chronicling america from the Library of Congress gives you access to digitized copies of historical newspapers. 

Search what happened 100 years ago today, by clicking on the link "100 years go today."

For more specific searches, try the advanced search.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Digital Marketing and Marketing Automation

1) Define what you mean by success with metrics that make sense. For ex) better not just more leads.

2) Stick to a best practices model you've developed before purchase new technology.

Read more in Justin Gray's October 2013 article "The Dangers of Myopia in Digital Marketing," in


A new term circulating is the term "Multimedia Production Room" (MMR). An example of a multimedia production room is Basics are PC, Mac, Audacity, Camtasia Studio, Adobe CS 6 Suite and editing software.

Ipod Touch is used since the Flip video camera (by Cisco systems) has been discontinued.

Ipod can prodcue high quality HD video and they have a camera and voice recorder software.

Tripods can increase the quality of the video.

Responsive Web Design

An interesting article in (July/August 2013) defines "Responsive Web Design" by Kathryn Frederick.

Ethan Marcotte was the first to use the term in 2010. Responsive Web Design  describes websites that change based on screen size.

Digital Public Library of America,, uses "Responsive Web Design."
Responsive Web Design Testing Tool (

The first step is to design a grid.

1) Design a grid.

Printable grid templates or hardbound sketchbook,

Plan a responsive site with these free sketch sheets,

2) Make a Fluid Grid
Layout should be based on proportionate CSS values.
See Really Quick Responsive Web Design (RQRWD) or
See the Responsive Calculator,

Margins and paddings can also be expressed using percentages.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Free Media

Here's the reason why I love being a librarian--the drive to share information. Librarians at James Madison University created a "free media for creative" use page on Libguides. This is perfect for budding cinematographers.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

If moving to New York city is your goal...

Here's a guide for librarians you want to move to New York City:

Other guides will be posted as I find them.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


What is Sigil? Sigil's user guide is here:

Sigil is EBPUB2 editing software. The software has a Creative Commons license so it looks like anyone can use it.

Many authors are beginning to self-publish using EPUB2.