Friday, September 21, 2012

Excellent Library related blogs

An excellent blog for children's librarians and school librarians,

If you have a chance take a peek.

Friday, September 7, 2012

What are infographics?

What are infographics and should PR librarians learn this skill? A resounding YES. Images are great way to get things across in this digital age.

A company called Visually creates infographics,

Locate free tools at smashing apps,

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Awesome "read across" campaign

This is an innovative use of pinterest for a "read across" campaign for kids. It uses the book, Cabinet of Wonders which is set in the wonderful city of Prague. 

For an excellent adult level book about Prague try City of Dark Magic by Magnus Flyte.  City of Dark Magic will make you want to but Prague on your bucket list of places to visit.

Stop Animation for Library Promotion

One digital librarian (Todd Frei, Wake County Public Library) has created a stop animation film to promote his library and is offering to tailor it for free for other libraries.

You gotta love the cooperative spirit of libraries!

The animation is fun and charming. A bored young woman is front and center. Then a series of drawings (recognizable characters from literature) appear on a white board behind her. I wonder who did the drawings.

As more and more fields merge, librarians will need to acquire more skills like these (digital production, film, radio, PR).

These are interesting times to be a librarian.